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Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar

On 2 May 2008 tropical cyclone Nargis hit the coast of Myanmar and devastated large parts of the low-lying delta region of the Irrawaddy River. Winds exceeded 190 km/hr as the storm ripped through the Myanmar’s biggest city Yangon (estimated population 6 million) for over than ten hours. Homes were flattened, more sturdy structures damaged, trees uprooted and power lines downed. In rural parts of the country up to 95 per cent of all homes were destroyed.

This is a situation that the country has not dealt with before and the scale of the needs is clearly massive. Casualty figures continue to rise. The data that is currently available to the International Federation suggests that up to 1 million people might have lost their homes.

According to latest reports(8/5/08) from state media as many as 22,500 people have died, with an additional 41,000 reported missing.

Donation can be made through The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Society. Please follow the following link:


It was just two weeks ago that the mission team came back from Myanmar and shared with us. it sounds familiar,esp Yangon, with sharing of mission team all these years. I cant imagine how bad the situation is but pray that God leads their way.


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