PCC 生命的见证
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POWER from on HIGH

He is different.

He used to dislike people coming in and out our house.
Yet now he say "why not we invite our relatives every month to our house for a family gathering?"

He used to sit apart from us when eating outside.
Yet he sat beside me when i'm leaving to KL.

He used to like quietness in home.
Yet now he feels that our home is too quiet.

He used to refuse to take family photos.
Yet this year he said "OK, how bout this saturday?"

He used to be unhappy when my mum go for sunday service or church activities.
Yet now he asked my mum to bring my brothers to church.

He is my father.
Amazing isn't it? Little changes but it means a lot to me.

.That's the POWER of GOD.


1 ☆ 留言 Reply ☆:

匿名 说...

yup our God is great! btw, it is wonderful to take family photo, i also take durin last cny:)